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Toshiba Satellite L750-1EU (DABLBDMB8E0 REV:E)

Hello everyone..I have a problem with this computer model Toshiba Satellite L750-1EU (DABLBDMB8E0 REV:E).
When I press the start button on the computer the following lights are active, the charger light is always active, the start light blinks three times then stops and then again and again and the HDD light blinks instantly.. The cooler on the processor not spin..
On the power supply, it shows when starting it pulls 260 mvolts, then stops and then again as the start light.
What I did: replaced the NEC /TOKIn with SMD capacitors (Nothing changed, the error remained the same), I programmed the Bios and EC chips (The problem remained the same without changes...)
Problem is not related to bios.If in token chip possible problem.
Hello everyone..I have a problem with this computer model Toshiba Satellite L750-1EU (DABLBDMB8E0 REV:E).
When I press the start button on the computer the following lights are active, the charger light is always active, the start light blinks three times then stops and then again and again and the HDD light blinks instantly.. The cooler on the processor not spin..
On the power supply, it shows when starting it pulls 260 mvolts, then stops and then again as the start light.
What I did: replaced the NEC /TOKIn with SMD capacitors (Nothing changed, the error remained the same), I programmed the Bios and EC chips (The problem remained the same without changes...)
مرحبًا بالجميع .. لدي مشكلة مع طراز الكمبيوتر هذا من Toshiba Satellite L750-1EU (DABLBDMB8E0 REV: E).
عندما أضغط على زر البدء في الكمبيوتر ، تكون الأضواء التالية نشطة ، ويكون ضوء الشاحن نشطًا دائمًا ، ويومض ضوء البدء ثلاث مرات ثم يتوقف ثم مرارًا وتكرارًا ويومض ضوء محرك الأقراص الثابتة على الفور .. المبرد الموجود في المعالج لا يدور ..
على مصدر الطاقة ، يظهر عند بدء تشغيله يسحب 260 mvolts ، ثم يتوقف ثم مرة أخرى كمصباح البداية.
ما فعلته: استبدلت NEC / TOKIn بمكثفات SMD (لم يتغير شيء ، ظل الخطأ كما هو) ، قمت ببرمجة رقائق Bios و EC (ظلت المشكلة كما هي دون تغييرات ...)
استبدل المعالج ربما تكون مشكلة أو تحقق من Power Circle
Hi guys.. Thanks everyone for the heads up!!
Just to give some feedback, if anyone else has this problem described in my first comment...
I found a glitch!
Actually the GPU is gone...Short to ground (GPUCORE_VCCSSENSE Short to GPUCORE_VSSSENSE)
Thanks again and greetings..